Webinar: Tax Reform - What Does it Mean for You?

Posted: 02/07/2018 | Employment

To view the webinar in its entirety, visit Tax Reform - What Does it Mean for You?

Topic Overview: A summary of the new legislation, with analysis. It is our intent to keep this program to an hour and hit the highlights of the new legislation that we feel would be of most interest to our clients.

Why should you attend the webinar? To gain practical advice on what you can and should do differently, whether in your business, personal income returns, or estate plan to reduce taxes.

Areas Covered in the Session:

In-Depth Discussion of What’s Changed – for Individuals and Businesses

Analysis of Real-World Impact of the Most Complex Changes

  • Pass-Thru Deduction
  • Accounting and Partnership Provisions
  • Depreciation (Expensing)
  • Business Interest Deduction and Net Operating Losses
  • Standard Deduction and Personal Exemption for Individuals
  • Home Mortgage Interest and State and Local Taxes
  • And More


The Webinar is for general information purposes only, and is not intended as legal, tax or accounting advice or as recommendations to engage in any specific transaction and does not purport to be comprehensive. Under no circumstances should any information contained in this Webinar be used or considered as an offer or commitment, or a solicitation of an offer or commitment, to participate in any particular transaction or strategy. Any reliance upon any such information is solely and exclusively at your own risk. Please consult your own counsel, accountant or other advisor regarding your specific situation. Rothberg Logan & Warsco LLP will not be responsible for any consequences of reliance upon any opinion or statement contained here, or any omission.