Thomas D. Logan
In Memoriam
Thomas D. Logan (“Tom”) was a lifelong resident of Fort Wayne. He attended Saint Jude’s and is said to have been the first child baptized in the new church. Tom attended Central Catholic High School where he was awarded three varsity letters and selected to the 1947 All-City Football Team. Tom subsequently attended Notre Dame and played football as a freshman. However, Tom’s true calling was as a student, as quickly manifested by his selection as president of his sophomore class, a position held by his father some 30 years prior.
Tom graduated from Notre Dame cum laude, and from Indiana University Law School with distinction. He was elected to the Order of the Coif and to the National Scholastic Law School Honorary Society. Tom was an Associate Editor of both the Notre Dame Lawyer and the Indiana University Law Journal.
Following law school graduation, Tom graduated from military finance school at Fort Benjamin Harrison and was assigned to the United Armed Forces in the Far East where he served for 18 months in Korea. After an honorable discharge, Tom accepted a position as Teaching Fellow at Indiana University Law School in Bloomington.
Tom then began an almost 60 year affiliation with the firm - which bears his name - with a host of highly esteemed partners and distinguished alumni of the firm including Sol Rothberg, Richard T. Doermer, Thomas A. Gallmeyer, Sr., and George E. Fruechtenicht. He was associated with the American College of Health Care Lawyers, American Associates of Airport Executives, and National Association of Bond Lawyers, and specialized for many years in the practice of Health Care law. During his practice, he served as counsel to various hospitals in northeastern Indiana, the Fort Wayne Redevelopment Commission, and the Fort Wayne Allen County Airport Authority. He acted on behalf of many corporations and individuals. He served as president of the Allen County Bar Association in 1979 and 1980.
Tom was selected as one of the Best Lawyers in America® from 1991 through 2006, and was featured in a 2009 Indiana Lawyer article entitled “Setting a Legal Precedent.” Tom had great influence on his sons Timothy and Paul Anthony Logan, and nephews F.L. Dennis (“Denny”) and James Emmett Logan, all of whom became lawyers. Tom Logan served as Co-Managing Partner of the firm from 1981-1987. Following in his footsteps, Denny Logan subsequently served as managing partner of the firm for many years; he continues as an equity partner of the firm today.
Tom was a member of and served on the Board of Directors of various local organizations including the Parkview Hospital Foundation, where he also served as president. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus Counsel 4048, where he served as Grand Knight. He was a member of Quest Club, where he served as president. He was on the Board of Directors of the Fort Wayne Country Club. Tom was an avid golfer and bridge player. He also enjoyed world travel with his wife, Carol; there was nary a location he did not visit.
Tom Logan was a terrific lawyer, a class act, and a genuinely kind person. He was a family man who successfully balanced the rigors of law with family life. His clients remained deeply loyal to him throughout his life, with many of the professional and corporate relationships he developed remaining good friends of the firm to this day.
Tom maintained an office at the firm for many years after his official retirement from practice. Rarely a day passed during his lifetime that he was not present in the office – to the delight of all. In one of his last endeavors on behalf of the firm, Tom Logan worked with the partnership to preserve its written and photographic history as well as that of its distinguished alumni – helping to ensure that future generations of lawyers of the firm will seek to emulate the high professional standards and active community involvement set by Tom and all of the distinguished alumni. Tom is greatly missed.